Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Spring has sprung!

 With those of you blogging, I thought to myself "Self you better get blogging, cause you have some cute pix to show others".  This was found in Gramma Lois' yard, an Owl!  Pretty cool huh.  The neighbor down the street thought he might get it stuffed to keep as a pet. 
 The big and little eggs from the days gathering.  Isn't he such a handsome man!  Some say he looks like Mitt.  But to me he is Mr. Wonderful!
 Bryce & Amy's munchkins.  Madison, Preston, Jackson, Garrett and Melanie.  What a crowd!  We saw them in October.  Wish they lived closer!
 Jeremy, Stephanie and Alexis met us in Las Vegas in September after Dan flew home and we partied down at the bodybuilder convention.  What fun.  The sumo wrestlers were my faves! 
 Christmas time in Salt Lake.  The lights are wonderful, but to be there with family is very spiritual for me.  Christmas 2012 lets all plan on being there.  Dinner on Dad!
                                           A bee-you-tea-full sunrise in the Spring of 2012!

1 comment:

Grandma Lois said...

Mary, what great pictures!! The owl looks like it is still alive!! I am sure glad you took the time to post!! Love you.