Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Partay

Well, I don't have any pictures to prove it, yet, but I did my first party for my new calling as Activities Director for our ward. The first Halloween party for Teton 2nd Ward. It is now over and it was a great success! We had well over 100 people show and some of our older people without any kids at home came. Which is what I was really hoping for. We had games, pin a wart on witches nose, fishpond, cupcake walk and a donut eating contest. Carina, Daisy and Sarah came for a time so I do have witnesses. We used dry ice in the kool aid in punch bowls on the table and that was a big hit. I had no idea it could boil up and over the sides. I also made faces and hands to put in the punch bowls but you couldn't even see those. It is amazing how easily it all went together, but I certainly learned alot about asking people to help. Hope you all have a fun and safe Halloween. I'd sure like to see some pictures on your blogs of costumes and know what you have all been up to lately. Now get to blogging some of you slackers!!!

1 comment:

Lance and Caetie said...

Very nice! I liked the ideas you had! Had no idea you were activities chair. Now for the real fun with planning the Christmas party.