Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Holidays

Drum Roll Please!!!!
The name drawn family gifts are finally drawn with exact, precise and confidential accuracy. Dad held the hat, Mom wrote the names and Dan pulled the names out of the hat, see how complex it all is. This is why it took so long to get it right. The names are as follows:
The Parents have- Jeremy's family
Bryce's family - Jakes fam
Lance's fam - Dan
Chris' fam - The parents
Jakes fam - Chris' fam
Jeremy's fam - Bryce's fam
Dan - Lances fam
Any questions? Oh yes, the price exacted this year (for those of you who responded to my email) decided $30 would be fine. Any further questions? No, Good. I would like all to have the gifts in the mail by the 5th of December so that everyone will have the family gift on time. Of course you may send earlier, but please not later. This worked out well last year and everyone got there gifts on time. Thank you so much. May YOU ALL have the most wonderfulest holiday season ever. We love you all and wish the very bestest to you!

1 comment:

The Wynn Family said...

Aunt Mary -
If you check this anytime soon could you send me your kids addresses and yours I would like to send them Christmas Cards Thanks. My Email is